Tuesday, 29 April 2014


Hello. This is my new blog, for talking about Indian languages. I've kept it aside from my personal blog because I'd be able to give more focus and go more in depth this way. Apart from stuff on Indian languages, I'll be posting some stuff on languages in general, but the focus will mostly be on Indian ones, seeing as I'm exposed to so many constantly and am exploring them now.

Also, here I'll be taking Indian English as a purely Indian language. It's pretty distinct from other Englishes at this point, and now even has a growing media and culture of its own, with music, books, movie dialogues and what not. This Indian English I speak of counts 'babu' English, the broken Englishes of working class people, the various regional accents and slang, and the various sociolects - however I'll be focusing especially on urban middle class English spoken as a lingua franca by Indians from a predominantly white collar background, and the variations of it spoken in Chennai (Where I live).

Indian English, to me, is something that hasn't been explored much, which is almost an insult to it considering its relevance and large number of users.

Hope you enjoy reading. Please leave a comment if you have any points to add or anything to say.

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